mercredi 10 août 2011


·         Ministry of Employment and vocation Training
·         Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
·         Ministry of Livestock Fisheries and Animal Industries
·         ITAKA Fondation   Cameroon
·         University of Zaragoza                 Spain
·         Fondation Privada Servei Solidari per la inclusio Social,                                 Barcelona           Spain
·         Fondation Educacio Solidaria,                   Barcelona           Spain
·         MANOS UNIDAS             Spain
-     CAJA INMACULADA       Spain


·         12 months to 3 years for regular training program

·         2 to 4 months for modular courses

·         1 day to 1 week for seminar

Admission conditions

·         Fist school living certificate
·         Prove that you can read and write
·         Show prove of access to land or structures to start your own agricultural production enterprise
·         For 12 months to 2 years program, be between 17 and 40 years old
·         For seminars, be an active farmer


Main objectives:
·         Acquisition of knowledge and skills
·         Acquisition of a sense of responsibility, commitment and hard work
·         Acquisition of modern agricultural technics
·         Acquisition of farm management  technics
·         Acquisition of basic health and nutrition principles

Poultry Farming

·         A battery system layer unit for 2000 layers
·         Four broiler units for 1000 fowls each
·         Brooding room for 2000 chicks